Sticky is a hooded leather dress that impedes natural body movement. The sleeves of the dress are tethered to hard shells on the chest and hips. This restriction forces the body to move in more pronounced and powerful motions, actively generating energy to fuel the dress. The accumulated power feeds a series of LEDs integrated in silicone forms sewn into the pocket, concealed from view.
Sticky binds the arms, restricting their motion, keeping them close to the body. It coerces the body into a state of isolation. Attempts to free oneself from the restraints, by reaching away from the body, illuminate soft luminescent pebbles in the pocket. The gentle light of the concealed silicone forms, hidden from view, offers a comforting glow to the individual. When the futility of the effort to free oneself compels the arms to stop moving, a gentle phosphorescent glow remains, keeping the individual company for several hours.
Two hard shells containing pulley-dynamos are securely fastened to the body via small openings in the front of the dress. The handles of these pulleys are attached to the sleeves. The individual’s kinetic energy is translated into electrical energy with custom electronics. The electricity powers small blue LEDs embedded in custom-molded silicone pebbles suffused with blue phosphorescent pigment.